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Anti-Depressant Medication Not The Only Answer

Despite having abundant choices in the range and quantity of food available to us, our society as a whole continues to make poor decisions regarding our diet. Never before in human history has information about health and nutrition been so readily available, clearly written in lay terms and accessible from our home computers, and never[Read full article…]

Can ‘Fat’ Drugs Help?

Depression affects many people all over the world and treatments vary from person to person. One treatment may help one patient but not another. The reasons for depression have been linked to external factors, chemical imbalances, and other factors that researchers are still discovering. Recently, individuals using the obesity drug Meridia have been reporting that[Read full article…]

Depression In Unemployed Men

Male depression disorder is set to grow in the near future, according to psychiatrists, who say that lifestyle changes in the Western world could lead to a rise in the number of men suffering with depression. The suggestion is that the traditional roles of males and females are changing and because the source of men’s[Read full article…]

Post Partum Depression

Post partum depression literally means depression after pregnancy. Post partum depression is not uncommon. In fact, researchers suggest that it affects millions of women every year. Many women don’t know that the sadness they experience after having a baby is post partum depression. Some just think they’re tired. Others think they’re anxious and just getting[Read full article…]


Menopause  occurs in every woman as they grow old. This makes it difficult to deal with it. There are many beliefs associated with menopause depression. Some people associate menopause with depression. Some believe that menopause and depression occur simultaneously. The symptoms of menopause and depressions are similar. They include hot flashes, irritability, sleep disorders, anxiety,[Read full article…]

Depression in men

We don’t understand depression that face men almost as frequently as depression in females, but male depression features a number of unique causes and effects which is often really unique to males of any age – something about being from Mars, I suppose. A lot of depression in males might be tracked on the standards[Read full article…]

Diagnose Depression

Depression can be a disease. It is not only in one’s intellect. It’s not necessarily the fantastic ailment. This is an authentic condition that will require to become recognized. For this reason, someone that suspects himself or herself to be frustrated ought to undergo depression examination to substantiate the presence of your mentioned condition. Finally,[Read full article…]

Anxiety and Depression

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), and despite 50 years of extensive research and tremendous enhancements in technology; WHO states that there is no single cause or explanation of depression. Rather it is suggested that a combination of biological (genetic and biochemical), sociological (stressors) and psychological (development and life experiences) factors interact to cause[Read full article…]

Coping With Depression

Depression is one of the darkest illness that can ever befall a person. It’s an illness that can only be fully explained and understood by someone going through it. I visit some of the blogs kept by people who are suffering from episodes of depression just in other to understand the illness more and encourage[Read full article…]

Overcoming Depression

Signs of depression include things like insomnia, reduction of libido, suicidal thoughts, forgetfulness or reduction of focus, lack of stamina, bodyweight reduction, tiredness, lack of power, reduction in appetite, irritability, pressure and anxiety, minimal self esteem, helplessness and guilt, unresponsive to present occasions, tearfulness and reduced mood. Men and women suffering from depression demonstrate very[Read full article…]

Unhealthy life style

Treating depression can be quite hard and it especially difficult if the person who has it does not realize that they do. A person with depression needs to be treated as soon as possible in order to minimize the risk that they may pose to themselves and to others around them. Treating depression is very[Read full article…]

Depression and its tie to Alcohol

Depression and alcohol do not mix well together. They both have their share of similar symptoms and side affects and when mixed together can make a hazardous if not deadly combination. Thirty-five to forty percent of people with an alcohol problem will also suffer from depression. The majority of these people are heavy drinkers or[Read full article…]


Just because you feel sad and depressed for a few days does not mean that you have depression. Depression can last for years, it’s a serious illness. According to various reports as many as fifteen million Americans suffer from this disease. The sad fact is that only a third of those Americans will ever seek[Read full article…]