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Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

The simplest way to describe anxiety is as ‘a feeling of uneasiness’ – the kind of feeling one may get if they are undertaking something for the first time, sitting an exam or are concerned about their own, or a loved one’s, health. This type of feeling is extremely common and is a natural part of a person’s life.

We’ve all felt anxiety attacks of one level or another, that moment of terror when our heart races, blood drains from our faces and we wonder if we’re going to pass out. For more than ten percent of us these feelings aren’t momentary and don’t pass. Expensive drugs and psychological therapy are one answer, but there are natural anxiety cures as well that are far more accessible.

First of all, anxiety symptoms are basically the same as the instinctive fight or flight response. This response is instinctive and is designed to increase your survival when faced with a life threatening situation such as being attacked by a wild animal or having to escape from a burning building. This is normal. The problem is that people who develop anxiety disorders responds in this instinctive way to imagined threats to their immediate survival such as driving to work or having some unknown and incurable disease.

A sign of anxiety for shyness includes feelings of awkwardness and insecurity in unfamiliar circumstances while being with other people — talking, asking favors, etc. The Catch 22 is that shyness often perpetuates itself because the unfamiliar situation or circumstance remains unfamiliar and therefore remains avoided. So it takes concentrated effort of will to overcome the insecurity, or sometimes a young person grows out of it as they mature and gain more experience interacting with life.

Causes of anxiety can be small, not every panic attack is brought on by a huge occurrence. The general, most common causes tend to be situational such as phobias, large crowds, public speaking or tight spaces. Many sufferers fall into this category and feel anxious at these type of situations. This can be brought on from other occurrences in a persons life that completely destroys confidence.

Another cause of anxiety is when something terrible does actually happen to you. This is a form of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This often times stems from something traumatic that happened during childhood and so even though from an outsider’s view you anxiety may seem unreasonable and unfounded, since you have actually lived through your feared result the fear seems completely rational and founded to you.

Anxiety treatment – like the anxiety that we experience – is varied; depending on the severity and frequency of the episodes and the personal needs of the sufferer. Those battling ongoing anxiety often experience persistent heightened levels of panic and fear – either in general or in response to particular situations. The treatment that will bring relief must be decided between patient and doctor and only comes after a comprehensive examination and proper diagnosis.

Herbal Anxiety Treatment Many herbs have a calming effect, and unlike synthetic chemicals, they have no addictive qualities or heavy side-effects. Ginseng, Lemon Balm, Valerian, St. John’s Wort, Kava Kava, Bugleweed, Catnip and Chamomile have all been used effectively to deal with stress and anxiety. These herbs can be found at any health food store, and often even in grocery or department stores. Unlike the SRI’s no prescription is needed, so attempting an herbal remedy is an easy first choice before resorting to harsher chemicals in attempting an anxiety treatment.

Aromatherapy is another method. In fact, it is an ancient method of healing and can be effective at treating the anxiety. The essential oils you will be using will help the body have its normal balance. The scents will induce relaxation, which will allow you to gain control of your emotions and mind. Aromatic oils can reduce those feelings of panic and anxiety that one is having.