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Post Partum Depression

Post partum depression literally means depression after pregnancy. Post partum depression is not uncommon. In fact, researchers suggest that it affects millions of women every year. Many women don’t know that the sadness they experience after having a baby is post partum depression. Some just think they’re tired. Others think they’re anxious and just getting used to the baby. While in many cases these are legitimate diagnoses, post partum depression is a very real condition.

How Does it Happen?

Some women are pre-disposed to post partum depression. If you or members of your family suffer from depression, make sure to tell your doctor. If depression runs in your family you’re more likely to become depressed either after having a baby or at some other time in your life. Depression is a chemical disorder in a person’s brain. Some people can correct their personal experience with depression by paying close attention to signs of depression and taking measures to avoid depression before it sinks in. Others need to take medication to balance out their mind.

Post partum depression can occur due to hormonal changes a woman experiences after she has a baby. Within the first 24 hours of childbirth, a woman’s estrogen and progesterone levels drop. During pregnancy, these hormones gradually increase. When the baby is born, they very quickly decrease. This dramatic change in hormone levels can affect her mood and lead her into depression.

Thyroid levels can also affect post partum depression. Having a baby changes a woman’s body. Sometimes women experience a drop in their thyroid levels after having a baby. These hormones can affect her mood the same as drops in estrogen or progesterone.

Other woman experience post partum depression after they have night after night of extremely irregular sleep. Sleep deprivation can cause depression. Obviously anyone who has a new baby knows what it means to be sleep deprived.

Dealing with the Depression

The best way to deal with post partum depression is to surround yourself with friends and family who will help you take care of the baby and get you out of the house. Taking time to get away from the child and the stresses that go along with raising a new baby is important. It’s also important to do stuff for yourself. If you pay attention to it, you can ease your way out of post partum depression.