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Severe Anxiety Symptoms

Not all the symptoms of severe anxiety are obvious. However it is vital to recognize the symptoms and come to terms with what severe anxiety is. A good knowledge of severe anxiety is necessary to begin fighting it. You can also learn about treatment methods that can help you get past the symptoms and the condition.

Keep in mind that both severe anxiety symptoms and panic attacks are quite similar so there’s no way to actually know (for sure) if you are suffering from a panic attack or have severe anxiety symptoms.

Physical and Emotional Symptoms of Severe Anxiety

11 Common Physical Severe Anxiety Symptoms To Watch Out For

Generally panic attacks only last for a short time. Severe Anxiety, however, can last between 2 and 15 minutes at a time. To begin with it is very important to recognize both the physical and emotional symptoms of severe anxiety. So what are the physical symptoms? They include:

– Adrenaline rush
– Choking
– Cold flashes
– Dizziness
– Excessive sweating
– Headaches
– Heart palpitations
– Hot flashes
– Inability to breathe deep
– Lightheadedness
– Stomach problems

Seven Emotional Severe Anxiety Symptoms To Watch Out For

As well as physical symptoms there are also many emotional effects of severe anxiety. So what are they? Here are some examples:

– Apprehension
– Concentration loss
– Fear
– Impatience
– Irritability
– Jumpy
– Paranoia

What Severe Anxiety Does

The symptoms of severe anxiety often make it difficult for people to deal with situations in a logical way. Thinking clearly is often very difficult for someone suffering from this condition because of all their racing thoughts. Thus, their ability to think in a rational manner is greatly reduced.

Seeking Help For Severe Anxiety Symptoms

The majority of people who know they are suffering from the physical and emotional symptoms of severe anxiety will seek the help of their physician. Once the doctor has diagnosed the condition, he or she will determine the best treatment route and may even suggest that the person take prescription medication. However natural methods may well be better unless there is no other option.

People who choose to forgo treatment often develop bad habits about the condition. This can include losing touch with reality and talking to themselves, among other things. Getting help as soon as possible is therefore very important.