dark feelings How do I know I have anxiety? You may be showing the signs of anxiety if the feelings or behaviors below affect your everyday life: Worrying about everything Feeling negative Feeling restless or irritable Find it hard to do everyday activities like work and study Lack of concentration Difficulty sleeping and/or relaxing Avoidance behavior Physical symptoms like heart palpitations Irrational thinking Have muscle pain … Read Entire Story
Positive Affirmation
Say these seven words every day to hot-wire it into your brain Say it and believe it will happen and be fearless Read Entire Story
Review of The Unexplainable Store for Relaxation Music
Image via Wikipedia I have spoken about this online store called The Unexplainable Store before but in the last week I noticed that my anxiety levels were rising again because of a few things happening in my life at present, and so I wanted to talk to you again about how the music they sell is … Read Entire Story
Panic attacks and how they start
Listen to the video below as it explains how I felt when having a panic attack but I didn’t know what to do then. Eating in restaurants always made me anxious and this is where my panic attacks started. When I looked at this video I identified immediately with how I felt when I first suffered from panic attacks. What it didn’t talk about though was what I call ‘the wave’ which comes with panic attacks. I used to… Read Entire Story
Acupuncture To Help Relieve Anxiety
I love acupuncture! I started using acupuncture after I got rid of my anxiety, but I know it can help reduce anxiety. I’ve used acupuncture to get rid of colds faster, get more energy, get rid of migraines, and much more. I always come out of the session feeling so … Read Entire Story
What Causes and How To Stop Panic Attacks
I came across this video today. I really like how he describes what causes panic attacks and what symptoms you can have. I remember this too well and how much it sucked. I love how he asks you to take away the symptoms. Eating healthy, and avoiding foods that can cause symptoms is a great way to stop your panic attacks. Another way I found to distract myself from symptoms was to sing… Read Entire Story
General Information About Panic and Anxiety Attacks
Panic attacks occur with people because of an irrational fear and certain triggers that stimulate the phenomenon. Panic attacks are both physical (heartbeat, sweating and chills) and mental occasions. One unique feature of panic attacks is their sudden nature. Even though, individuals suffer from panic attacks for different reasons most of the symptoms and effects are … Read Entire Story
Anxiety Cures – Natural Panic Treatment Anxiety Attack Cures
We’ve all felt anxiety attacks of one level or another, that moment of terror when our heart races, blood drains from our faces and we wonder if we’re going to pass out. For more than ten percent of us these feelings aren’t momentary and don’t pass. Expensive drugs and psychological therapy are one answer, but there are natural anxiety… Read Entire Story
Overcoming panic at the thought of tactics, attacks of anxiety
The brain is a powerful thing. Panic attacks and anxiety caused by violence, peace of mind, but some people who have to feel as if they have them. What is in the mind can destroy there. Now you can learn more about the major mental techniques that can be used to reduce or prevent these attacks. Meditation is one of the best as you can do is just to get … Read Entire Story
Lost: Ode to All Veterans
As part of my clinical internship, I worked with veterans. I was overwhelmed at the intensity of pain and suffering that these men and women endured as part of their service to our country, both during their tours of duty and for month, years, and for some, during their entire lifetimes following discharge. I was so moved and touched by their struggles that the following piece … Read Entire Story
Panic and Anxiety Attacks While You Sleep
Lying there tossing and turning all night because you can’t sleep is one of the most frustrating aspects of our lives. Usually, this inability to sleep is caused by one of two factors; worry, or you simply can’t find comfort. The worry may be caused by something adverse happening at work, or it may be that … Read Entire Story
Panic Attacks, Anxiety Attacks Or Anxiety Disorder Symptoms
Anxiety attacks are abnormal and irrational panic over trivial things, small incidents or accidents or for no reason. Attacks usually occur without warning and a person can simply explode into fear. There uncountable triggers that can cause these situations – getting stuck in an elevator or standing in front of a class – but in all other cases, attacks come out of nothing (at least not for the outsider, no one knows the internal triggers). We can say that an anxiety attack is a disproportionate reaction to a situation or a problem at hand, … Read Entire Story
Cure Panic and Anxiety Attacks – Natural Treatments to Treat Panic Attacks
There are many natural remedies, herbs, and techniques that you can use in order to help ensure that you will not experience panic/anxiety attacks or any of the nasty symptoms associated with it. By using these natural techniques and many others – you will quickly be able to get rid of your panic attacks… Read Entire Story
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