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Relaxation Video for you to watch

Relaxation is so important in keeping anxiety at bay but it can be quite difficult to maintain.  I work at keeping my stress levels down and music I found is great for this.  This is a great video and it has great music.  Please take some time out to put on some headphones, sit in a relaxed position, turn off your cell phone, close the doors and listen to this video. This is a 26 minute video so you will definitely feel yourself relaxing. Save it to your computer and you can listen to… Read Entire Story

Watch your stress levels or they will sneak up on you

I control my anxiety and subsequent panic attacks by keeping my stress levels down.  This can be a challenge as you don’t always know that stress and anxiety are building until it is too late and you are showing signs like, in my case, talking quickly, being agitated and getting upset at … Read Entire Story