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Phobia treatment can comprise of various therapies. The definition of phobia is a persistent, irrational and excessive fear of some thing or a situation. The fear is lodged in the subconscious part of the brain. It will stay there even though the conscious brain knows that the fear is unfounded.

It is not really known what causes phobias. It could be genetic, or it could be a result of a frightening experience in the past. Fear is a healthy emotion and it is actually essential for our survival. However, it should be addressed if it is having a negative impact on someone’s life.

Some examples of typical phobias are a fear of flying, being alone, heights, being scared of the dark, death, a fear of needles and injections, open spaces, or animals. People can develop phobias about unusual things like men with beards, colors, or even apples. The sensation of fear is usually accompanied by an increased heart rate, sweating, anxiety, shortness of breath, and panic.

If you have a phobia, here are some options. You could first try the self-help way. This requires you to face your phobia head-on and to tolerate the feelings of anxiety and fear until they subside. This can be really helpful when done with other people in a support group.

If this does not work, you may need help from a therapist. Often, behavioral therapy is very effective. You will have one-on-one sessions with your therapist. He or she can begin to desensitize your phobia. Let’s say you are fearful about dogs. In the early stages of therapy, you will probably be shown a picture of a dog.

Gradually, you will progress to the stage when your therapist will take you to see a real dog. As sessions continue, you will eventually be able to pat the dog, and even feed it. This approach can be tried without a therapist if you have a good support system of family and friends.

Another option is exposure therapy, also called flooding. You will have to face your phobia at its worst intensity. The logic behind this is that a person can only remain in a state of high anxiety for a maximum of 40 minutes. In many cases, only a few sessions are required to convince your subconscious that the phobia is unjustified.

Hypnotherapy is become a popular way to deal with phobias. Using auto-suggestion techniques, a hypnotist can help change the mindset of the subconscious. Phobia treatment might include medication, but it will not provide a long term solution. If the phobia is depression related, a doctor can prescribe anti-depressants. To relieve the physical symptoms of panic or anxiety, benzodiazepines can be helpful.